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Updated on July 18, 2023

Appreciation in currency markets refers to an increase in the value of a currency relative to other currencies. It means that one unit of the currency can buy more units of another currency. For example, if the Indian rupee appreciates against the US dollar, it would take fewer rupees to buy one US dollar. There are several factors that can lead to currency appreciation. One primary factor is increased demand for the currency. This can occur due to various reasons, such as positive economic indicators, higher interest rates, strong investor sentiment, or political stability. When there is a higher demand for a currency, its value tends to rise.

What is the impact of the appreciation of currency on the economy?

Currency appreciation has both positive and negative impacts on the economy. It benefits consumers and businesses by making imports cheaper and reducing inflationary pressures. Currency appreciation can contribute to a current account surplus or a reduced deficit by improving the balance of trade. However, it can pose challenges for exporters and impact the tourism industry and foreign investment.

What is the difference between depreciation and appreciation of currency?

Depreciation and appreciation are terms used to describe changes in the value of a currency. Depreciation refers to a decrease in currency value, making it more expensive to buy foreign currency. This benefits exporters but can lead to inflation and higher import costs. Appreciation, on the other hand, is an increase in currency value, making it cheaper to buy foreign currency. It lowers import costs, reduces inflation, and improves purchasing power. However, it can make exports more expensive. In summary, depreciation means a weaker currency, while appreciation means a stronger currency, each with its own effects on trade and economic conditions.