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Updated on July 18, 2023

Hedging refers to a risk management strategy used by traders and investors to mitigate potential losses arising from adverse currency exchange rate movements. It involves taking offsetting positions in the currency market to protect against unfavorable price fluctuations.

The primary objective of hedging is to reduce or eliminate exposure to currency risk. Currency risk arises when there is uncertainty about future exchange rate movements, which can lead to financial losses for individuals or businesses engaged in international trade or investment.

What are the popular hedging strategies used by currency traders?

Forward Contracts – Traders enter into agreements to buy or sell a specific amount of currency at a predetermined exchange rate on a future date, protecting against potential adverse currency movements.

Options Contracts – Traders use call or put options to establish the right but not the obligation to buy or sell a currency at a predetermined rate, offering flexibility to hedge against unfavorable currency fluctuations.

Currency Swaps -Traders exchange principal and interest payments in different currencies, allowing them to manage long-term currency exposure or match cash flows in different currencies.

Money Market Hedge – Traders use short-term loans or deposits in different currencies to offset currency risk, enabling them to hedge their positions effectively for short-term needs.

Natural Hedging – Traders with naturally offsetting positions in different currencies, such as importers and exporters, leverage the balance between revenues and expenses in different currencies to naturally hedge against currency risk.