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Updated on October 4, 2023

The term IRR is commonly used in finance. The meaning of this term and its use in loans is given hereunder.

Meaning of IRR in Loans

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a financial metric that plays a crucial role in assessing the true cost and potential profitability of a loan. It helps borrowers and lenders understand the rate at which the Net Present Value (NPV) of all cash flows related to a loan becomes zero. In essence, it identifies the effective interest rate associated with the loan and measures the earnings or returns generated from the loan’s cash flows.

Why is understanding IRR important for borrowers?

The importance of IRR for borrowers is explained below.

It reveals the actual cost of borrowing, considering the timing and amount of loan payments.
It facilitates informed comparisons of different loan offers, helping borrowers choose the most cost-effective option.
IRR considers the entire timeline of loan cash flows, providing a comprehensive view of the loan’s financial impact.
It helps borrowers comprehend how their monthly payments affect the overall loan cost over time.
Knowledge of IRR aids in effective financial planning, ensuring that the loan aligns with their budget and long-term financial goals.