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Updated on July 18, 2023

The term “return” refers to the formal document or filing that individuals, businesses, or entities submit to the tax authorities to report their income, deductions, and other relevant financial information for a specific tax period. It is commonly known as an income tax return.

Key points to consider in filing returns

Reporting Income – An income tax return is used to report various types of income earned by an individual or entity during a specific tax year. This can include income from employment, self-employment, investments, rental properties, and other sources.

Claiming Deductions and exemptions – Taxpayers can use the return to claim deductions and credits to reduce their taxable income and overall tax liability. Deductions may include expenses related to business, education, healthcare, or charitable contributions. exemtptions, on the other hand, directly reduce the tax amount owed.

Calculating Tax Liability – Based on the reported income, deductions, and credits, the return helps determine the taxpayer’s tax liability—the amount of tax they owe to the government. The tax liability is calculated using the applicable tax rates and tax brackets.

Compliance and Filing Requirements – Income tax returns have specific filing requirements, including deadlines and forms to be used. Individuals and entities are legally obligated to file their returns within the prescribed timeline, failing which penalties or interest charges may be imposed.

Refunds or Payments – Depending on the tax liability calculated, taxpayers may be entitled to a refund if they have overpaid their taxes throughout the year. Alternatively, if the tax liability exceeds the amount already paid, taxpayers will be required to make additional tax payments.