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Updated on July 18, 2023

Revaluation in currency markets refers to an upward adjustment in the value of a country’s currency relative to other currencies. It is the opposite of devaluation. Revaluation typically occurs when a country’s central bank or monetary authority intervenes in the foreign exchange market to increase the value of its currency.

What is the impact of revaluation?

Increased Purchasing Power – Revaluation results in a stronger currency, which means that traders and individuals in the country can purchase more foreign goods and services at relatively lower prices. Imports become cheaper, leading to improved affordability for imported goods.

Lower Inflation – Revaluation can help reduce inflationary pressures, as it makes imported goods and raw materials less expensive. This benefits consumers by keeping the cost of living in check and supporting price stability within the economy.

International Debt Burden – Revaluation can increase the burden of servicing external debt denominated in foreign currencies. It requires a higher amount of domestic currency to repay the debt, which may pose challenges for countries with substantial foreign debt.

Export Competitiveness Challenges – A stronger currency resulting from revaluation can make a country’s exports more expensive for foreign buyers. This can negatively impact export-oriented industries, making them less competitive in international markets.

Capital Inflows and Investment – Revaluation can attract foreign capital inflows, as a stronger currency indicates a stable and attractive investment environment. Increased foreign investment can boost economic growth and stimulate domestic industries.

Trade Balance Effects – Revaluation may lead to an increase in the cost of exports, potentially affecting the trade balance. If the increase in export prices outweighs the positive impact of cheaper imports, it could result in a trade deficit.