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Taxpayer Identification Number

Updated on July 18, 2023

TIN, also known as the Taxpayer Identification Number, is an 11-digit identification code given to businesses to track their interstate and intrastate transactions. The last two digits represent the state code, while the other nine digits are allocated by the state government. This number serves as proof of a company’s authenticity.

The TIN system enables the integration of tax-related information from businesses operating in different states, ensuring transparency and facilitating easier transaction monitoring by the Income Tax Department.

How to get TIN?

The steps to get a TIN (Tax Identification Number) are given here.

Step 1: Access the VAT portal of your state using a unique login ID.
Step 2: Complete the application form on the portal by providing the required details and uploading the necessary documents.
Step 3: The commercial tax department of the concerned state will review and verify your application.
Step 4: Upon approval, you will receive a provisional certification and your assigned TIN.
Step 5: A VAT inspector, appointed by the state government, will visit your business address to conduct the final verification.

What are the uses of TIN?

TIN is utilized for tax compliance, encompassing tasks like filing tax returns and meeting tax obligations.

TIN serves as a unique identifier, ensuring accurate identification in financial transactions and dealings with tax authorities.

Government registrations, such as PAN, GSTIN, and TAN, necessitate the use of TIN.

TIN facilitates proper documentation, invoicing, and reporting of business transactions, especially in interstate and intrastate trade.

TIN enables taxpayers to claim tax exemptions, deductions, and benefits provided by tax laws.

In cross-border transactions, TIN is required to establish identity and comply with international tax regulations.

Financial institutions and service providers rely on TIN to verify identity and comply with AML and KYC regulations.

TIN ensures legal and regulatory compliance, promoting transparency, preventing tax evasion, and enabling government monitoring of financial activities.